Thursday, February 26, 2009

Should there be a market for Organ?

A doctor proposed a novel solution to a mother, whose son needed a kidney transplant by donating one of his son kidney to a stranger, so that her son would move to the top of the kidney waiting list. Soon the patients had the transplant they were waiting for, trading a kidney for a kidney.

As a matter of public policy, people are not allowed to sell their organ. The deal in the above case did not felt under the prohibition because no cash is exchange.

Donation of organ would be ethical and moral move when G-d itself first tranplsnt Adams ribs into Eve!
Most deceased organ donors are brain dead Brain death can be confusing, particularly for families who are confronted with the sudden death of someone they love because a brain dead person on a ventilator can feel warm to the touch and can look "alive." The heart is still beating and the ventilator is pushing oxygen and air into the lungs making the person's chest rise and fall. But to be brain dead is to be dead, and no improvement or recovery is possible.

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